Our Day
Phoenix Montessori offers Preschool and Kindergarten as a five day per week program, either full day or half days. We are open 7am - 6pm.
The Full Day program operates from 8:30 - 3:30
Half day programs are from 8:30 - 12:00 (including lunch) OR 12:00 - 3:30.
Before & after school day care is available from 7:00am – 8:30am, and 3:30 – 6:00pm.
Daily Schedule
7:00 - School opens, Play activities in the Toy Room
7:45 - Breakfast
8:15 - Story Time / Transition for outside play
8:30 - Morning arrivals for school day, outside play (weather permitting)
9:00 - Morning Circle time
9:30 - Work Time / Snack
10:55 - Clean up
11:05 - Song Circle / Transition for lunch time
11:20 - Lunch
11:50 - Clean up / Outside Play (weather permitting), ½ day program dismissal/arrival
12:00 - ½ day program dismissal/arrival
12:35 - Nap Transition (if applicable for our younger students)
12:45 - Nap
1:00 - Story time and Afternoon Circle
1:30 - Work Time / Snack
3:00 - Nappers wake, Work time cleanup and Dismissal Song Circle
3:20 - Transition to outside
3:30 - School Day ends, curbside departures. Day Care begins.
3:45 - Outside play (weather permitting)
4:45 - Snack
6:00 - School Closes